Google to deploy Artificial Intelligence for data center cooling
August 20th, 2018The move aims to focus on energy saving across multiple data centers by leveraging their own AI technology through the DeepMind system.

The race for cloud in the U.S. market can be attributed to the changing needs of industries and their inclination towards cloud as technology.
The platform seeks to secure SaaS, web, IoT APIs and micro-services to help developers improve their API definitions.
The investment aims to expand its product portfolio with IP address as well as DNS tracking services and grow their marketing, sales and engineering teams.
Prabhakar Jayakumar, Country Director, India at DigitalOcean shares his wisdom about the Indian and international cloud markets.
Siddharth Taliyan, Director of Business Development for MMX (Minds+Machines) gets candid with WebHosting.Info, talking about a niche but an upcoming segment of geography-based TLDs.
Rakesh Prabhakar, Head of Concierge at Zoho reveals why Indian customers need a human approach and why it has become their no.2 market after U.S.
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The move aims to focus on energy saving across multiple data centers by leveraging their own AI technology through the DeepMind system.
The expansion seeks to cater to enterprises’ growing need for cloud-based data centers in the Asia-Pacific market.
The move seeks to provide emerging businesses in the country with a variety of domain name options beyond legacy TLDs.
The security services aim to provide clients with state-of-the-art technology tools, processes, and advanced data analytics to secure the modern enterprise.
The acquisition aims to strengthen Intel’s infrastructure by adding deep learning prowess in a bid to close the gap between hardware and AI enabled software.
The platform aims to provide customers with the ability to track results from multiple assessments and integrate security services in the product folio.
The alliance aims to meet their four-point agenda of providing affordable health care, security, housing and manufacturing solutions by leveraging IoT.
The launch seeks to bolster retailers in the region by providing them with resources that will boost their e-Commerce activities.
The move is in response to the growing need for cloud, security and hosting services across North American markets.
The data center seeks to accommodate traditional enterprises that are looking to make the most out of on-premise as well as cloud environments.