BlackBerry jumps into IT security with USD 1.4 billion Cylance acquisition
November 16th, 2018With this acquisition, mobile handset company BlackBerry seeks to position itself as a major provider in the IT security market.

The race for cloud in the U.S. market can be attributed to the changing needs of industries and their inclination towards cloud as technology.
The platform seeks to secure SaaS, web, IoT APIs and micro-services to help developers improve their API definitions.
The investment aims to expand its product portfolio with IP address as well as DNS tracking services and grow their marketing, sales and engineering teams.
Prabhakar Jayakumar, Country Director, India at DigitalOcean shares his wisdom about the Indian and international cloud markets.
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With this acquisition, mobile handset company BlackBerry seeks to position itself as a major provider in the IT security market.
The alliance seeks to simplify machine learning and data science workflows by integrating ThoughtSpot’s calculation engine ‘Falcon’ into GCP.
The alliance seeks to offer incident response and remediation services to cloud-native enterprises by reducing mean-time for security alerts.
The launch seeks to transform customers’ cloud data storage into insights to empower the cloud platform with rich analytics prowess.
The launch seeks to respond to the rising demand for data centers globally by providing cloud-based services to enterprises.
The move seeks to address the risks arising from Kaspersky’s exposure to Russian intelligence services.
The launch seeks to help enterprises simplify compliance issues in the cloud environment and prevent them from reoccurring.
The launch aims to make .DEV a go-to-TLD for developers in a bid to help them test websites as well as build web pages.
The investment seeks to tackle some of the toughest security challenges faced by enterprises when it comes to overhauling legacy IT environments.
The launch of CRM platform seeks to equip customers with the tools to bring all their data together by leveraging AWS’ flexibility, scale and security.