Microsoft Azure to offer virtual machines with 12 TB memory
June 5th, 2018The launch aims to entice developers by providing high-performance machines covering aspects like scale, security and reliability.

The race for cloud in the U.S. market can be attributed to the changing needs of industries and their inclination towards cloud as technology.
The platform seeks to secure SaaS, web, IoT APIs and micro-services to help developers improve their API definitions.
The investment aims to expand its product portfolio with IP address as well as DNS tracking services and grow their marketing, sales and engineering teams.
Prabhakar Jayakumar, Country Director, India at DigitalOcean shares his wisdom about the Indian and international cloud markets.
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Rakesh Prabhakar, Head of Concierge at Zoho reveals why Indian customers need a human approach and why it has become their no.2 market after U.S.
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The launch aims to entice developers by providing high-performance machines covering aspects like scale, security and reliability.
The launch aims to provide infrastructure, backup and desktop-as-a-service to government organizations by leveraging the cloud.
The alliance aims to accelerate IoT solutions software development in a bid to reduce time-to-market and facilitate developer independencies.
The acquisition aims to provide smart pricing solutions to customers in a bid to meet business goals faster.
The launch aims to minimize investment risks by providing unique growth opportunities in the cloud market.
The launch aims to provide cloud-based solutions to enterprises ranging from infrastructure to business applications.
The move aims to provide IT transformation for customers in a bid to capture global market share.
The expansion seeks to meet the evolving demands of new businesses in the region.
The alliance aims to ease customers to migrate mission-critical applications to the cloud by preventing vendor lock-ins.
The move seeks to gain tax-benefits, increase employment opportunities and target business growth in the region.