Nutanix unveils one-click networks for their cloud platform
November 9th, 2016The company says that this move will broaden their enterprise cloud platform

The race for cloud in the U.S. market can be attributed to the changing needs of industries and their inclination towards cloud as technology.
The platform seeks to secure SaaS, web, IoT APIs and micro-services to help developers improve their API definitions.
The investment aims to expand its product portfolio with IP address as well as DNS tracking services and grow their marketing, sales and engineering teams.
Prabhakar Jayakumar, Country Director, India at DigitalOcean shares his wisdom about the Indian and international cloud markets.
Siddharth Taliyan, Director of Business Development for MMX (Minds+Machines) gets candid with WebHosting.Info, talking about a niche but an upcoming segment of geography-based TLDs.
Rakesh Prabhakar, Head of Concierge at Zoho reveals why Indian customers need a human approach and why it has become their no.2 market after U.S.
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The company says that this move will broaden their enterprise cloud platform
The new project builds on the company’s existing Taiwan cloud region
The company has signed four firms as reseller partners for their service offerings
At the recent ICANN meet, the company announced plans to expand its outreach in India
The company will retain hosting and cloud assets supporting network-first and hybrid-IT strategy
The announcement was made at the Huawei Global Energy Summit 2016 in Abu Dhabi
The new Asia Pacific Gateway claims to increase data transmission capacity in the Asian region
The Consortium’s website was launched to enhance public knowledge about the unique value of vTLDs
The association claims to promote new digital identities for cities, regions, languages and cultures
The ICANN 57 meeting in Hyderabad is a platform for the entire ecosystem dependent on the Internet