Republican party manifesto opposes US handover of internet control to ICANN
July 21st, 2016The party platform states that China, Russia, Iran will “devour” the web after IANA transition

The race for cloud in the U.S. market can be attributed to the changing needs of industries and their inclination towards cloud as technology.
The platform seeks to secure SaaS, web, IoT APIs and micro-services to help developers improve their API definitions.
The investment aims to expand its product portfolio with IP address as well as DNS tracking services and grow their marketing, sales and engineering teams.
Prabhakar Jayakumar, Country Director, India at DigitalOcean shares his wisdom about the Indian and international cloud markets.
Siddharth Taliyan, Director of Business Development for MMX (Minds+Machines) gets candid with WebHosting.Info, talking about a niche but an upcoming segment of geography-based TLDs.
Rakesh Prabhakar, Head of Concierge at Zoho reveals why Indian customers need a human approach and why it has become their no.2 market after U.S.
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The party platform states that China, Russia, Iran will “devour” the web after IANA transition
Acronis claims the product is 2x faster than closest competitor and can enable the world’s fastest restore in 15 seconds or less
The move will help to accelerate flight optimization, making airlines more efficient as well as cost effective.
Security a concern in creating opportunities for technology providers as companies invest in transformational technologies
Bay area based startup acquired by Amazon’s cloud computing unit for an undisclosed amount.
Patent-pending design innovation foccusses on limiting square footage requirements to cut costs
The cloud software maker is now hosting communications capabilities, including phone services and web meetings, in the cloud.
US frees up spectrum bands for 5G as it races South Korea and Japan to be first with next generation wireless.
Verisign wants to patent different ways to use the DNS for the Internet of Things.
The lawsuit is the latest dispute that has emerged involving solar energy in Nevada, a state that was an early clean energy supporter.