June 28, 2016

Codenvy, Microsoft and Red Hat collectively adopt Language Server Protocol

Common Protocol for Programming Language Integration to be adopted for greater access to favorable tools.

The adoption of a language server protocol project was announced earlier today by Codenvy, Microsoft and Red Hat. This project represents a collaborative effort to provide a common way to integrate programming languages across code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs). This protocol extends developer flexibility and productivity by enabling a rich editing experience within a variety of tools for different programming languages.

Tyler Jewell, Codenvy CEO and Eclipse Che project lead said:

With a common protocol supported by Microsoft, Red Hat and Codenvy, developers can gain access to intelligence for any language within their favorite tools.

The Language Server Protocol is hosted on GitHub and licensed under the creative commons and MIT licenses. It is a JSON-based data exchange protocol for language servers. The protocol enables developers to access various programming language assistants such as find by symbol, syntax analysis, code completion, go to definition, outlining and refactoring, all this, within their editor or IDE of choice. All this is done by promoting interoperability between editors and language servers.

The language server protocol collaboration enables Developer flexibility and choice, multiple operating systems, editor support, many programming languages, open collaboration and language server registry.

Harry Mower, senior director, Developer Programs, Red Hat added:

We see a tremendous opportunity to improve the way software is created, especially in the cloud, and we are focused on bringing that innovation to our customers in a way they can more easily adopt. Developer choice is a key area for us and interoperability of programming languages and tools is an important part of Red Hat’s developer strategy.

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