Arctic Wolf Networks (AWN) have acquired risk assessment provider RootSecure in a bid to mitigate cyber attacks. By acquiring RootSecure, AWN will be adding comprehensive risk management capabilities into their SOC (Security Operations Center) service to quickly identify cyber exposure gaps.
According to AWN, organizations are constantly challenged to keep up with the proliferation of devices and the vulnerabilities they attract. They say that these vulnerabilities affect sensitive data of organizations to put their business at tremendous risk.
With the acquisition of RootSecure, AWN say that they will be able to continuously scan vulnerabilities to help enterprises mitigate cyber threats. They say that with this SOC-as-a-service offering, customers will be able to see a more holistic view of their organization’s security framework.
RootSecure claim that pairing their risk assessment with AWN’s hybrid AI, enterprises will be able to better manage and protect their workloads. They reveal that the real-time updates provided by their risk assessment service will allow AWN’s customers to stay ahead of competitors.
Market analysts believe that this move will help AWN expand their product offerings and also extend their global presence, just like Meeza did with their ‘Business Cloud’ offerings.